Monday, June 18, 2012

Airport Culture: The Urban Jellyfish Project

Are you touching down in Portland, Oregon sometime this year?  Kids or no kids, be sure to look for this beautiful installation in the D/E Lobby:

Artist Sayuri has created an ethereal underwater landscape, called Urban Aquarium (it's an ongoing project), populated by seven varieties of jellyfish – these are familiar looking but truly fanciful creatures, born from the artist’s imagination.  Here is how she describes one species (name: Cirrus Ars Magica) represented in the installation:

“These jellies are extremely considerate and warm-hearted, despite their life in cold water. They are brilliant and understanding, if you befriend one you can never get enough. They love ice cream. They bring magic to your life.”

Visit Sayuri’s website to learn all about her jellyfish (photography by Kelty and Hannah at The Weaver House - check out their site for some inspiring visuals!). The installation will be in place through January 15, 2013.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful write-up, Sarah!
    I am so glad you enjoy my jellies and their stories! -sayuri
