Monday, January 28, 2013

The Joy of Being Prepared

The Globe-trotter Centenary 33" Extra-deep Suitcase with Wheels from J. Crew

Now, isn't this a pretty suitcase?  I've never seen one like it on the baggage carousel - clearly I'm not passing through the right airports.

I thought of this suitcase while reading a New York Times article on Preppers - those industrious folk who plan and plan and plan - just in case disaster strikes.  And let's be honest - disaster has always struck at some point. The article explained what a "bug-out bag" is. It's a bag filled with all the essentials for a safe getaway from wherever you happen to be - dried food, a variety of tools, clean socks, etc.

I am no Prepper, although I try to be at least a little prepared for emergencies. However, I like imagining what I'd put into a bug-out bag were I to create one. Some good dark chocolate is the first thing that springs to mind (don't worry, I'll bring enough for everyone!). Perhaps a bag of almonds. Definitely a bag of legos. A deck of playing cards and a baseball. A tube of red lipstick and some pretty underwear to keep my spirits up. A bag filled with purely utilitarian items, while practical, would depress me - I would need some special things - some beautiful things, with personal meaning - to keep me going, were civilization to collapse around me and my family.

What would your bag look like?

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